Permanent Supportive Housing
As we continue to spend time evaluating the viability and need for Supportive Housing in Rock Hill, we feel strongly in the further development of this program to create a community wide impact reaching far beyond the Supportive Housing program itself. To show this, we are committing one of our homes to continue building the Supportive Housing program. HDC owns a 3-bedroom, 2-bath single family home at 509 Bynum Ave. Rock Hill, SC that will be up for occupancy by a family or a group of individuals.
The Housing Development Corporation is excited to announce a partnership opportunity with a non-profit in Rock Hill, SC that is considered an emergency shelter per the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s definition. Agencies will be scored using a rubric and judge’s panel. In your application, please demonstrate how your organization meets the 6 requirements listed below. The scoring panel will consist of 4-8 individuals and their total scores will be combined to award this opportunity to the highest scoring organization. There is an opportunity for organizations to submit a combined application. For combined applications please outline how the 6 scoring categories and the associated responsibilities would be divided. Please add any questions or contingencies to the submission.
Points will be awarded on a 26-point basis for the following:
1. Staff capacity (5 points) - intensive case management capacity for tenants
2. Financial capacity (10 points) - separate bank account with 1 year of rent and deposit set aside
3. Accounting practices (5 points)
4. Experience (0-4 points)
How would your organization handle the following:
The tenant refuses to participate in any services and is not paying their portion of the rent.​
The tenant destroys part of the unit and is not taking responsibility for their actions.
The tenant's significant other and child move-in without notice. The significant other claims they are not earning income, but you suspect otherwise.
The tenant has an emergency expense and cannot pay their portion of the rent this month.
​​5. Current list of eligible clients (1 point)
​6. Use of HMIS and VI-SPDAT (1 point)
Other requirements:
Must be an emergency shelter
Must be located within the Rock Hill city limits
See below for attachments.

This is a memorandum of understanding that the owner, property manager, and service agency sign. It outlines responsibilities, requirements, and reporting.

This matrix measures client progress and self-sufficiency. It is one of the reporting requirements agencies complete.

This assessment can help determine an individual’s readiness for supportive housing. It helps to also determine best next steps for the individual to better meet their housing goals.

These documents from HUD provide a flowchart to determine if a head of household meets the criteria to be considered chronically homeless and a checklist of documentation needed to meet the standards required by HUD.

This document is pulled from the Continuum of Care federal regulations to outline what records need to be kept and what types of documents will satisfy those requirements.
This infographic gives a brief overview of the Supportive Housing Program, including the roles of each party, requirements for tenants, and requirements for service providers.